How to get tutoring help at GeeklyHub
How can you get help from a tutor on our platform? Easy: just follow these steps to book a tutoring session with the best-fit Geek.
  • Request tutoring help

    Send a request for a session in the account and add the details about the topic you need help with.

  • Get a Geek selected for you

    Let our AI algorithm find an available tutor who has experience in a specific academic field.

  • Work 1-on-1 with your Geek

    Agree on the session format and use an appropriate communication tool to work directly with the tutor.

  • Hire a tutor anytime you need

    Request a tutoring session whenever you're stuck on any topic, no need to schedule in advance!

Please be aware that Geeks will not agree to be engaged in any kind of activity not aligned with college policies.